You Prophesy As You Testify
When we testify about what the Lord has done it builds faith about the things He wants to do, literally releasing them into the atoshpere with our words!
Already done, still needs to happen.
Rev 19:10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
Bandimere Lifesong Adoption Letter
Here are some testimonies of what the Lord has done:
I really like doing the Prayer Walks. It helps me to stay aware with what is going on in the real world and the world that we can’t see. My favorite part is placing my hands on the buildings and claiming them for God and His works.
My second favorite part is walking down the street with everyone and holding hands… I think that it conveys a sense of family to people we don’t know. I mean, no one usually sees people of different ethnic backgrounds walking together and enjoying each other’s company. It’s not typical.
In our most recent Prayer Walk, before Jadon told us about the people (angels) he “saw“ around us, I kept picturing people dancing, leaping, shouting, running, skipping and celebrating on the streets. Kind of the picture you get when in the Bible when King David was dancing and celebrating with his people when the Ark of the Covenant came into his city. Anyway, I think it’s a lot of fun doing these walks...they’re awesome!
Prayer walking is great because it gives us a chance to practice listening to and obeying God. That is a very essential part of the Christian life so it is good to have opportunities to do that. One thing that I enjoy about the prayer walks is that it gives us a way to pray for others and for God’s Kingdom to come to earth in the neighborhood. Also, walking around the neighborhood gives us more of a chance to minister to other people than just staying indoors. Doing prayer walks gives us an opportunity to do God’s work, to listen, hear, obey, pray, and minister to others.
Prayer walking is good cause you thank God for what he is doing for people and houses around. Once we were walking around and saw somebody outside than we stated talking with them after that we went to meet the other guys. Prayer walking sometimes is helpful to people. But I think its pretty good many times.
Prayer walking is a really great way to listen to the Lord, speak out what’s on his heart, and it’s also a great way to get to know your area. Praying for the houses, for the properties, and for the lots is a way of scoping out God’s desires. You get to meet awesome people, and it can really help you realize the power of prayer. Prophecy over the houses in the neighborhood gives you a glimpse of something brighter and more powerful behind the boarded up windows and caving-in roofs. You’re able to see heaven in the kids you see playing on the street, the homeless guys with their shopping carts, and the dirty front yards littered with trash. Prayer walking also can bring you to people at just the right moments. So many interesting people live around here, and you can’t really meet them unless you’re the one to start the conversation. Prayer walking is a way that heaven can come down to earth.
I am so excited that OT started prayer walking! Even though exercising our physical bodies is nice, getting the opportunity to exercise our spiritual muscles is the best and most important part! We get to put ourselves in the position to hear the voice of the Lord and act! It's SiWiHiA on steroids!! Be Still, Wait, Hear, Act. Every week our spiritual senses are becoming more and more in tune with the Lord's heart for the neighborhood and our lives. To see as He sees and to love as He loves; making the most of every opportunity to release the Kingdom of Heaven wherever we put our feet! Weather we are aware of it or not we are claiming the territory that rightfully belongs to the King of Kings and we are releasing light into the darkness! The best part is, this isn't just something we do on Friday's; it's all of life. Living together as brothers and sisters in Christ on the same path, pursuing One thing, the person of Jesus Christ!….It's all practice baby!